Fall 2014 Call For Abstracts If you would like to offer a paper-in-progress for discussion at a Fall 2014 SPP workshop, please submit an abstract (no more than 500 words) to [email protected] by September 5, 2014. If we have more submissions than available workshop spaces, we will prioritize submissions based on diversity of approach and overlap with recent workshops. Submissions for Fall 2014 will automatically be considered for workshops in future semesters.
Upcoming Workshop with Samuele Chilovi (University of Barcelona and University of Antwerp)
Our next Social and Political Philosophy Workshop will take place Thursday, April 24th.
We will be discussing Samuele Chilovi’s paper “The Speaker Paradox in Statutory Implicatures.” Refreshments will be provided!
*If you would like to join the Social and Political Philosophy mailing list, please contact [email protected].
Hope to see you there!
This workshop is sponsored by the Doctoral Students’ Council.
Upcoming Social and Political Philosophy Workshop featuring David Nagy
Our final Social and Political Philosophy Workshop of the Fall semester will take place Monday, December 9th, from 4:45-6:15pm, in GC 7113.08 (the Philosophy Department seminar room).
We will be discussing David Nagy’s paper “Plato’s Republic: The Myth of Meritocracy and the Elimination of Conflict.” Refreshments will be provided!
To receive a copy of the paper in advance, please Contact Us.
SPP Workshop featuring David Nagy
Monday, December 9th, 2013
Room: 7113.08
Abstract: Plato’s Republic: The Myth of Meritocracy and the Elimination of Conflict.
*If you would like to join the Social and Political Philosophy mailing list, please contact [email protected].
Hope to see you there!
This workshop is sponsored by the Doctoral Students’ Council.
ABSTRACT: “Plato’s Republic: The Myth of Meritocracy and the Elimination of Conflict.”
“Plato’s Republic: The Myth of Meritocracy and the Elimination of Conflict”
David Nagy
According to an almost ubiquitous interpretation of Plato’s political theory in the Republic, Plato believes that the ideal city-state, the Kallipolis, is a monarchy/aristocracy, where everyone does what they’re naturally suited for and only those naturally rational govern. Continue reading ABSTRACT: “Plato’s Republic: The Myth of Meritocracy and the Elimination of Conflict.”
Upcoming Social and Political Philosophy Workshop featuring Jamie Lindsay
The next Social and Political Philosophy Workshop will take place on Monday, November 25th at 5:00pm.
We will be discussing Jamie Lindsay’s paper, “Habermas’ Formal Distinction between Morality and Ethics: Difficulties with Non-Human Animals and Liberal Eugenics.” Refreshments will be provided!
To receive a copy of the paper in advance, please Contact Us.
SPP Workshop featuring Jamie Lindsay
Monday, November 25th, 2013
Room: 5409
*If you would like to join the Social and Political Philosophy mailing list, please contact [email protected].
Hope to see you there!
This workshop is sponsored by the Doctoral Students’ Council.
ABSTRACT: “Habermas’ Formal Distinction between Morality and Ethics: Difficulties with Non-Human Animals and Liberal Eugenics.”
Jamie Lindsay
SPP Co-Sponsors Event with the Center for Global Ethics & Politics: Eric Cavallero, “Secession & Territorial Right,” Nov. 19
On Tuesday, November 19, we will be hosting Eric Cavallero (Philosophy, Southern Connecticut State University). Prof. Cavallero will be presenting a talk entitled “Secession and Territorial Right,” to be followed by discussion and a wine and cheese reception. We are excited to continue the fall semester with such an exciting event, and hope that you will be able to join us. The talk will be held at 6:30 p.m. in Room 5409 of The Graduate Center (365 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10016). The Social and Political Philosophy group at the GC is working with us to co-sponsor this event.
The next Social and Political Philosophy Workshop will take place on Monday, October 21st at 5:00pm.
We will be discussing Joshua Keton’s “Towards a Theory of Adjudication: Public Reason as Public Meaning“. To receive a copy of the paper in advance, please Contact Us.
SPP Workshop featuring Joshua Keton
Monday, October 21st 2013
Room: 5109
Abstract: Towards a Theory of Adjudication
*If you would like to join the Social and Political Philosophy mailing list, please contact [email protected].
Hope to see you there!
This workshop is sponsored by the Doctoral Students’ Council.
ABSTRACT: “Towards a Theory of Adjudication: Public Reason as Public Meaning“
“Towards a Theory of Adjudication: Public Reason as Public Meaning“
Joshua Keton
Since H.L.A. Hart’s The Concept of Law spurred a tectonic shift in analytic jurisprudence linguistic considerations have moved to center stage in many philosophical theories of judicial interpretation. Continue reading ABSTRACT: “Towards a Theory of Adjudication: Public Reason as Public Meaning“
Upcoming Social and Political Philosophy Workshop featuring Omar Dahbour
The first Social and Political Philosophy Workshop of the semester will take place on Monday, September 16th at 4:30pm.
We will be discussing Omar Dahbour’s “Ecosovereignty: Resolving the Contradiction between Self-Determination and Cosmopolitanism“. To receive a copy of the paper in advance, please contact Laura Kane.
SPP Workshop featuring Omar Dahbour
Monday, September 16th 2013
Room: 6107
*If you would like to join the Social and Political Philosophy mailing list, please contact Jamie Lindsay.
Hope to see you there!
Jamie Lindsay, Laura Kane & Josh Keton