Category Archives: Co-Sponsored Events

SPP Co-Sponsors Event with the Center for Global Ethics & Politics: Eric Cavallero, “Secession & Territorial Right,” Nov. 19

The CUNY Social and Political Philosophy Working Group is co-sponsoring a talk by Eric Cavallero on “Secession and Territorial Right” with the Center for Global Ethics and Politics (CGEP).  Please consider coming  for what promises to be an interesting talk and a great reception!  Find the details below:


On Tuesday, November 19, we will be hosting Eric Cavallero (Philosophy, Southern Connecticut State University). Prof. Cavallero will be presenting a talk entitled “Secession and Territorial Right,” to be followed by discussion and a wine and cheese reception. We are excited to continue the fall semester with such an exciting event, and hope that you will be able to join us. The talk will be held at 6:30 p.m. in Room 5409 of The Graduate Center (365 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10016). The Social and Political Philosophy group at the GC is working with us to co-sponsor this event.